Oblations and Entreaties


Rasheed: What is meant by vow , oblations and entreaties? Can you adduce any proof in this regard with respect to holy Prophet SAW and his Companions (R.A)?


Hameed: Before I give you any of the reporting I feel that I should make you understand their definitions because most of the misunderstandings arise due to unawareness.


Vow (Mannat) or Oblation (Nazar) means when a person pleads to Allah SWT saying that “if my wish is fulfilled I will fast for few days or I will perform supplementary prayers or I will serve food to poor people or I will give alms etc.” This is a promise between Allah and His devotee and to fulfil it is compulsory (wajib). In Prophet Mohammed’s SAW times after migration (hijrat) few ladies came to meet holy Prophet and said that they wanted to beat the drum and sing. But Prophet SAW did not permit them. When they pleaded again saying that they have taken a vow Prophet SAW allowed them to do so.


Entreaties (Niyaz) means to implore or to make a humble entreaty before Allah SWT that “O Allah send the reward (Sawaab) of this object (recited verses of Quran,alms,food,etc) to his/her soul. Now it is Allah’s approbation to accept it or to reject it.


Rasheed: From your words it is clear that oblations are meant for Allah alone then when these oblations are given in the names of Prophets and Saints then it is clear infidelity and polytheism.


Hameed: This is a verbal deceive. Here oblation is not lawful  oblation (Nazar-e-Sharayee) but a present or a gift. As it is a common practice in India “I gave a certain amount of money as a gift to that doctor or preacher or teacher.” This is called a gift or a present.


Secondly if a man vows with Allah SWT that “if my wish is fulfilled I will send the reward (Isaal-e-Sawaab) in your beloveds name.” This is in reality a promise between Allah SWT and his devotee and must be fulfilled.


Rasheed: Is Isaal-e-Sawaab on souls proved from holy Quran or Ahadith? Can Fateha food be eaten by both rich and poor or is it meant only for the poor and down trodden?


Hameed: Regarding Isaal-e-Sawaab there are a few Ahadith which come under Sahih (authentic).


Reported by DaraQutni:


Hazrat Ali R.A reports that Prophet SAW said : “if a person passes from a graveyard and reads Surah Iqlas ten times and pass its reward to the dead ones’ soul, Allah SWT will reward him bounty with respect to the dead ones.


In second report, Abu Dawood and Imam Nasai quoted from Saad Ibne Ubadah.









It was said: “Ya Rasool Allah Umme Saad died. Now which sadqa (alms) is better for her.” The holy Prophet replied: “Water”. Later, a well was digged and called out aloud: “This well is for Umme Saad.” That is for Umme Saad’s isal-e-sawaab.


Thus, Prophet SAW, his companions and the four Caliphs used to drink water from this well. This shows that isaal-e-sawaab’s food is not meant for beggars or poor people but rich people can also benefit from it.


Third report is from Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi that


Hanash said: I saw Ali sacrificing two rams; so I asked him: What is this? He replied. The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) enjoined upon me to sacrifice on his behalf, so that is what I am doing.


Conclusion: Hazrath Ali R.A used to sacrifice a sheep on Prophet’s SAW name after our holy Prophet’s SAW transmigration.